- Locate the Caribbean islands on a map
- Recognize indigenous presence in the Caribbean
- Trace the history of slavery/forced labor on the islands and how it has impacted the current demographics
- Recognize that the Caribbean is not culturally, linguistically, politically, or historically homogenous.
- Understand the motives behind Caribbean migration to the U.S.
- Evaluate how historical events and developments were shaped by unique circumstances of time and place, as well as broader historical contexts.
- Analyze change and continuity in historical eras.
- Be able to support an argument, claim, or position using strong textual evidence.
Lesson Plan Outlines
Lesson 1: Who is Caribbean?
Focus: Contemporary Caribbean demographics, indigenous peoples, the Haitian Revolution, and indentured slaves.
The teacher instructions and lesson plan will help you get started on activities and objective
Related Lesson Plans/Activities
- The National Archives Education Service - Resistance and Rebellion in the Caribbean
- Pierre Toussaint-L'Ouverture Leads a Slave Revolt in Haiti - Teaching with Primary Sources
- Caribbean Connections: Overview of Regional History and Classroom Resources
Lesson 2: Migration to the U.S.
Focus: Motives for migration, settlement in the United States, and case studies
The teacher instructions and lesson plan will help you get started on classroom activities and objectives.
Lesson 3: Caribbean Labor in Connecticut
Focus: Learn about the Bracero Program, Mexican labor, and U.S. agricultural policies.
The teacher instructions and lesson plan will help you get started on classroom activities and objectives.
Related Lesson Plans/Activities
- Existing Lesson Plan by Elena Marie Rosario, M.A. Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Michigan discussing Post-World War II Puerto Rican Farm Labor Migration to Connecticut
Student Activities
Lesson 1 Activities:
Activity 1.1: Find These Countries
Activity 1.2: Analyzing Maroon Art
Activity 1.3: The Haitian Revolution
Activity 1.4: Indentured Servants
Lesson 2 Activities:
Activity 2.1: Case Study on Jean Desir
Activity 2.2: Migrant Journal Entry
Activity 2.3: Examining Caribbean Migrant Narratives
Lesson 3 Activities:
Activity 3.1: Shade Tobacco Promotional Film
Activity 3.2: Home Away From Home
Activity 3.3: Analyzing Primary Sources
Complimentary Sources
Lesson 1 Complimentary Sources
Lesson 2 Complimentary Sources
Lesson 3 Complimentary Sources