Unit 6: Memory is a Verb

Focus: activist art, collective memory, healing from trauma, legacy of the Dirty War, political cartoons, street art

Student Activities


Click through the slide below to gain access to the readings

  • Gonzalez: Pope Francis’ disputed role in Argentina’s Dirty War raises questions


Click below to gain access to the videos

  • Cautiva - Trailer

Extra Resources



“Looking back would imply living in the past as if it were the present…and that’s something that I can’t wrap my head around. What’s done is done, the rest is up to you.”

Laura Bonaparte, El Tiempo Suspendido








“In response to the Dirty War, the environment of fear, and lack of free speech, street art became a public voice, and in the decades that followed, it has continued to be part of an activist culture of art.”

Allison Meier (2013)